
Steps to Remove Car Stickers without Damaging Paint 

1. Clean the area surrounding the sticker.

 It is best to make sure there is no debris in the way as you start removing your sticker.

 We recommend to taking the vehicle through a car wash before you start as it will clean the area and the heat of the water will help loosen the glue.

2. Heat the sticker to loosen the adhesive.

Using a hairdryer to set the highest heat in it and heat the middle of the sticker and wait for a few seconds. Then heat the edges of the sticker and make sure the hairdryer never touches the sticker or paint, as this can leave a mark behind.

3. Use the credit card to lift the edges of the sticker.

  If the credit card doesn’t work to remove the sticker and use the razor blade if the sticker is stuck to the glass. Never use the blade if the sticker is on the paint, as it will damage your vehicle.

4. Keep lifting the sticker until it is completely off.

If the decal breaks as you do this, don’t worry and it is normal for this to happen.

5. Clean the area after the sticker is removed.

Sometimes, remains from the glue will be left behind. You can remove this by using special sticky remover with a clean cloth and rubbing gently.

Sando Automobiles provide the best  Stickering Works  with your full satisfaction. Your automobile service nearest to Vedaranyam/Ayakkaranpulam.