
Checking your car's ac during summer

1. Check air filters:

Blocked air filters are the root of most car AC issues. Keeping them clean is one of the easiest ways to maintain the performance of your car’s AC. Make sure to wash the air filters thoroughly at least once a week to keep them clean and cool.

2. Clean the dust:

While taking care of your car’s insides, make sure to get rid of the dirt and dust as much as possible. Even if your air filters are clean enough, the AC duct might attract dirt and moisture from the car’s insides, causing a blockage. Have you ever thought dust can be a reason? But it is. So, doom thought of highlighting it.

3. Listen to strange sounds:

Your car tries to communicate with you in the form of sounds. Ignoring any strange sounds coming from the compressor is not a good idea. They might be indicating serious issues with the compressor or even with your car itself. Getting them checked at a service center might save you a lot of time and money.

4. Clean the pipeline:

Maintenance of the AC gas pipelines would take you a long way! Cleaning the pipelines once a week would keep them clean and let you know of any leakages. Doom asks to focus on these DIY activities.

5. Keep lubricated:

The AC compressor, pipelines, and drive belts should be kept well lubricated to prevent any AC’s malfunctioning.