
Tips To Maintain Your Vehicle

1. Tire Pressure

In vehicle maintenance, you should also take into consideration the tire pressure. If the tire pressure is low, your tires will wear out more quickly and need to be replaced. On the other hand, if the pressure is too high, it will cause less traction and make stopping harder.

2. Taillights and Headlights

Check your taillights and headlights every time you go on a drive; if they don't work properly, the other driver may have trouble seeing your car and could crash into you. If you see any dimming, make sure you get them replaced.

3. Engine Air Filters

Every six months, check the air filter in your engine. If it becomes clogged and dirtied, your engine will have to work harder, causing fuel costs to increase.

4. Shocks

When your vehicle experiences more bumps while driving or sounds rattling when you go over hills, your shocks are worn out. It is time to replace them to enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride. The replacement of your shocks will ensure that your vehicle is not subjected to harsh wear and tear.

5. Emergency Kit

Maintaining your car well cannot prevent it from breaking down at any time, so keep an emergency kit in your car at all times. Items in the kit should include a tire gauge, jumper cables, flashlight, duct tape, tow rope, glass wipe, and gloves.

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