
Types of Car Washing Service

1. Handwashing

       All detailing experts will tell you that handwashing is the safest method for washing your vehicle. Several different techniques fall into this category, but handwashing is simply more effective than any other type of car wash. This is because it is successful in removing heavy contamination and while still being very gentle on your vehicle’s finish.

2. Waterless Washing

      During a waterless wash, only two things are used. The first is waterless car wash that you apply to your vehicle with a spray bottle applicator, and the second is a handful of microfiber towels that you use to wipe your vehicle down with.

3. Rinseless Washing

      Don’t confuse rinseless washing with waterless washing. There are similarities to both waterless washing and handwashing. In this case, you mix a small bit of rinseless wash product into a bucket with water. All that you have to do is once you wash any area, wipe it dry with either microfiber towels or wash mitts.

Rinseless car washing is a favorite of anyone that doesn’t have a lot of space or has to work within water restrictions. It might be a good choice for you if you are worried about scratching up your vehicle.

4. Automatic Washing

      You might know automatic washing as ‘tunnel’ washing. They are often found at some gas stations but there are also independent car washes. Your vehicle goes through a conveyor belt that takes the car through a sequence of both brushes and blowers. These brushes are rough, and they typically contain a certain level of contamination. The big advantage to  these is how cheap and convenient they are. That alone makes them the most common kind of car wash available.

SANDO Automobiles give the best service of Car washing.