
Why is my AC blowing hot air in my car

Why is my AC blowing hot air in my car?

1. Check the thermostat
It may seem too obvious to miss, but make sure your thermostat is set to "cool" and the temperature is set low enough. From curious kids to simple mistakes, it can be a huge relief to discover that the fix is ??as simple as pressing a couple of buttons, so the momentary embarrassment passes.

2. Check the breaker switch
Many AC systems use a combination of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. Even if the indoor unit is working properly, if the outdoor unit has lost power, the result will be hot air blowing through the AC. If you find a tripped breaker, turn it back to the "ON" position and allow the AC to run for a few minutes. If the breaker trips again, contact a repair professional.

3. Check the filters
This is another quick fix if your AC is blowing hot air. A clogged, dirty air filter can reduce internal air flow to your AC unit. Without adequate internal airflow, your unit will work harder to cool your home and increase energy costs, but it won't perform as well. Dirty filters can make your home uncomfortable by circulating air full of dust, allergens and other pollutants. During the peak cooling season, it is important to change the filter at least once a month.